Friday, November 9, 2018

Dark Waters

Maybe I’m not as hard as I think
Maybe it’s tiring to be the rock
That everyone anchors to
When I know how crumbly
The center of that rock is.

Dark waters surround me again.
It’s nothing new
I’ve been through them so many times
I’ve lost count.

Good thing I have time off to hide in my house.
People don’t have to know.
People won’t know.
People don’t want to know—
I’m the rock, remember?

Dark waters surround me again.
It’s nothing new
I’ve been through them so many times
I’ve lost count.

In a few days, I’ll emerge
To go into work
To be that rock again.
No one will know.
But I will be on the outlook for the kids in the dark waters.

It’s what I do
It’s who I am

It’s why I will not let the dark waters pull me down.