May 2 – 6 (2016) is Teacher Appreciation Week. One grumpy,
old teacher has some ideas as to how he could be shown appreciation.
1 1. STOP turning the lights out every 10 minutes. My
classroom is equipped with a motion detector, which means after 10 minutes of
no movement, the lights go out. This not a problem when I have classes, as
normal student fidgetiness and teacher circulation to groups keeps the lights
on. But when I am on my planning period, sitting at my desk, answering parent
email or returning their phone calls, writing new lesson plans, reviewing and
grading student work, or doing other paperwork my employer demands, the lights
go out. I have to get up and walk through the room, even though I am doing the
work required of me. That is particularly egregious in the predawn hours (yes,
I get to school one hour or more before my contract time) and there is no light
to see by. Why do I have to stumble into furniture and wrack my knees to get
the lights back on?
2 2. Let me decide whether I want ONE-sided or
TWO-sided printing when I need to print out lesson plans, student rosters,
Department of Ed downloads, and other necessary documents. To force a default
to two-sided printing … and when I try to make it one-sided, you separate the
first page as one-sided and do the rest of the printing as a separate two-sided
request. Micromanaging teachers to this level is ridiculous, my dear employer.
But the joke’s on you. I now print out two copies of everything. Not only have
you not saved paper, you have extra
expenses for toner, electricity, and machine maintenance.
3 3. Give me the supplies I need so I can carry out
your requests. Every professional development session I go to, we work in
groups and chart our responses. But when I want to do this in my classroom, my
supply request for chart paper is denied. Really? But getting teenagers to work
in groups, chart their work, and report to the class is deemed “best practices.”
But you won’t buy me $30 worth of chart paper for the year even though your
budget totals $1.7 BILLION. Not feeling the love.
4 4. Pay my money on time. If you bargain with my
union and agree to pay salary supplements, it is not a discretionary expense
you can do any old time you feel like it. Why should I wait until late February
to receive the money you promised for teaching a hard-to-staff course? Pay me
throughout the year, every paycheck, like a reasonable person would. Then you
wouldn’t hold to your announced paydate because you said not every principal
turned in a list of who was eligble. Really? But as a fellow teacher said, you
know what we teach when it comes to sending out the threats of termination for
being out-of-field, but you don’t know what we teach when it comes to honoring
our contract supplements.
5 5. Stop pushing your great online platforms. I
tried to use your testing platform, ran into problems, and was told pointblank
by your staff that the Unify platform was NOT for teachers to use. Only test
coordinators and administrators should be using it. I tried to give my students
the test you pushed, but couldn’t make the online calculator available to them.
As a mere teacher, a peon, I am not allowed those privileges. The word you need
to find is EMPOWERMENT.
6 6. Treat me like the professional I am. Communicate
with me once or twice a month. LEAD, dammit. When I ask a question of district
staff, I should receive a direct reply, not a response that came through
channels that I cannot talk to them. Your rigid hierarchy is condemning the
district to grinding mediocrity. (Not to mention the arrogant egos too many people
inflate through such nonsense.) I have good ideas about curriculum. Act like
you want to hear from me. After all, I
am the pro in the classroom and can tell you how well a curriculum design is
going. Get your noses out of data. It is one source, but not the only source of
knowledge about student learning.
7 7. When I tell you the textbook is terrible, you
need to believe me. Until you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with me in the
classroom, you don’t have the experience I do. You want to raise test scores?
LISTEN when I tell you the book is ineffective and the online resources do not
I have no illusions I will receive this kind of
appreciation. Maybe I’ll get a free lunch one day or a monogrammed pen in my mailbox.
That’s all teacher appreciation means these days. But even a grumpy, old
teacher still hopes . . .
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